It was an amazing weekend. Spent in warm and sunny Malaga (a city with so much too see, very few tourists and cheap prices!) with just the best group of friends a girl could wish for. We have laughed, we've cried, we've eaten well, we've shopped, we stayed up til 4pm one night and experienced Spanish nightlife and a club and we may have also drunk a little bit too much wine!
We also admired views and took selfies....
Rode segways round the city and to the top of Gibralfaro (with the most gorgeous tour guide!)...

We drank gin and tonics and sangria looking over the port...

Did a swimsuit shoot!...

Visited the Picasso Museum and chilled out afterwards in a nearby cafe...

Visited the stunning Malaga Cathedral...

Had a fabulous lunch on the beach at a restaurant with no menu - just waiters wandering around with plates of food shouting out their names and you put your hand up to have one!

Watched the sun set from the roof top pool...

Tried a little hair curling....

Took more cheeky selfies...

Had the most amazing Sunday lunch in a restaurant overlooking the city and shared desserts (my preferred way of eating pud these days as you get to try everything!)...

And had time for one last group shot before heading to the airport...
I am truly blessed to know such wonderful women - all different but together such a good combination.
This is me on a Monday which has found me unpacking and washing, organising for the week ahead and thankfully not at my desk (couldn't have managed that!) and having lunch with the hubby. Looking forward to a nice four day week. Thank you for undulging me in my photo heavy post. Please pop over and see Sian for some more weekend updates.