I have completed it! Here are my final three photos for the hunt...
Someone dancing - I didn't think I had this one then I realised I had taken photos in July of Josh and his mates doing a Zumba class at the school fair. Here are a couple of shots...
And for the full effect - here is the video!!! (I know this hunt is all about photography but this makes me smile every time I watch it!!)
I have not come across a bride all summer but the kids picked up this stone on a beach in Portugal earlier in the year so am substituting this...
And finally me with something that symbolises my nation. I think the Olympic rings and the Paralympic agitos adorning Tower Bridge have been seen pretty much everywhere around the world this summer and to me symbolise the UK this year...
Rinda has asked us to pick a favourite...Hmmmm... not all my photos were my best work. Some (like above) were shot by my 10 year old, others were quick snaps on my iPhone. I have enjoyed though, the process of taking pictures of everyday things and blogging more because of it. I guess overall this is the one I love...
Huge thanks to Rinda for coming up with the list for the hunt and keeping us all going :) Looking forward to next year's all ready!