Monday 6 April 2015

Me on a Monday

Well it's been a fabulously long weekends and it's not over yet - at least not for me as a I don't go back to work until the 14th!

It was a very wet start on Friday which meant, well the ideal opportunity to scrapbook! I'll share them soon but have one more page to finish from the event first :). It was a heading off to the local pub to meet friends for a Friday drink kind of weekend ( we must do it more often). It was a get out into the garden and tidy up sort of Saturday with a takeaway and a film to finish off (The Imitiation Game - I thoroughly recommend it!)

It was a get up early to pack and head south kind of weekend with a beautiful roast dinner cooked by my Mum. It was a catch up with my brother and nephew over a cuppa kind of Sunday eve then game playing and wine drinking. 

Today has been an Easter Egg hunting (apparently you're never too old! Even at 16 and 13!) and enjoying the sunshine kind of bank holiday plus another stamp in the National Trust passport for Josh - the penultimate one! 

I hope you have enjoyed your bank holiday extended weekend. Ours has been fairly restful and full of too much food! I think lots of walking is needed when we get back home to work off some of the calories! 

Check in with Sian and share your own weekends with her weekly meme...


Sian said...

It sounds like just exactly the kind of weekend I love.

That last photo is a real keeper: one to be proud of!

Have a great week (maybe some more good eating and a bit more scrapbooking?)

My not so simple life said...

Beautiful photos and no you are never too old for an egg hunt!

Abi said...

That last photo is lovely. Good work on the NT stamps! That is very impressive!

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