Prompt 4 of Shimelle's cover to cover class asked us to add a few photos to an album where we had identified a gap. I looked at this for a while and then decided I couldn't really do this as my albums where so hap hazard I couldn't see what was missing. So I put the prompt to one side. Last night I read prompt 5 which talked about making a list of pages to see what could work together rather than do a mammoth move around which could over phase you. Well, me being me I decided to go for the over phased option! I am a very visual person so, for me, a list wouldn't work. I needed to see what a yearly album would look like. First I pulled out oall my 2011 layouts and put them together in an album. However I haven't scrapped much from that year (see my previous post about what's left to do!) and so it didn't show me a great example but I could see that the flow was much better.
At that point I took the bull by the horns and pulled out pages left, right and center until I was left with piles for 2005 - 2010 and a pile of earlier and odd pages. My dining room table now looks like this (tnanks Shimelle! lol!)...

I have sat and put 2010's album together and it looks fab! I even spotted a few gaps as I was putting the pages away without even checking my photo files or diary. I also left this one below in the 2010 album as that's when I scrapped it and it's lovely to see a cute picture of Alex and Josh amongst the grown up photos :)
It's lovely to see the kids side by side in the album, I definitely prefer it than them having an album each...the story makes much more sense when you can see what we've all been up to! It looks like the rest of my day will be spent putting away years '05-'09!
I have this daunting task ahead of me as I haven't put any layouts in albums for over a year so have over 100 to put away. I keep putting it off but at the end of the month Mr P is away for three days on a course so I think that will be the ideal time to cover the lounge floor in piles of layouts and albums!!! Now I must remember to take photos and blog about it.
Pleased you are liking have date ordered layouts - I can't bear for my albums to be out of order datewise!!
Karen x
aww bless they look so cute!, looks like you are going to be having lots of fun sorting all the layouts out.
Wow what a job hyou have given yourself. Yes at some point I think I need to do this. Ive got some albums by date - but other are more themed etc. It would take a week to sort them out! Good luck.
wow! good for you! I bet this will turn out great for you :)
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